Meeting our mentors – the start of our program

mentors-300x225 Last Saturday Future Foundations had its first event in the 2014 Community Program calendar. All our future personal and creative mentors met for their induction session.

The mentors come from very diverse backgrounds both culturally and professionally. It was truly amazing to listen to all their stories.

Angela, the Founder and CEO of Future Foundations, began by sharing the story of how Future Foundations started and our vision and values. They then spent some time discussing the role of a mentor, the qualities of a good mentor, learning tools, how to build trust with your mentee, communicating effectively and being a good listener. A lively discussion took place on working with culturally diverse young people with everyone sharing their own personal experiences.

It was great to meet everyone and talk about what will be involved over the next few months. Everyone left feeling excited and very eager to start!

For more information on this year’s program, visit the Current program page of our website.

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